When should I register my child?
The school is open throughout the summer to accommodate parents in the registration process. The early registration of students provides the school system an opportunity to evaluate student placement and adjust staffing in response to unanticipated enrollment increases. Parents should contact CWES at 603-529-4500 as soon as possible to start the process.
When should I register my child for kindergarten?
Students can start kindergarten if they reach the age of five by September 30th of the school year. Registration for Kindergarten starts as early as October for the following school year. Contact CWES at 603-529-4500.
What information do I need to register my child?
When registering a child, you will need to present :
Completed school registration form
A copy of your child's birth certificate
Completed health history form - please answer all questions explaining answers when necessary, Note any allergies or any problems we should be aware of.
Completed physical exam form. A physical exam within one year of school entry is required to meet state compliance.
Copy of updated immunization record - required for school entry.
DPT - 4 to 5 immunization dates, with the latest one after the age of four
Polio - 3 to 4 immunization dates, with the last one after the age of four
MMR - 2 doses - first dose given after the age of one year and second dose of MMR given at least one month after.
Hep-B - 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine are required for children born on or after January 1, 1993. The first and second dose must be at least one month (28 days) apart. The third dose MUST BE AFTER the child turns six months of age.
Varicella (chickenpox) - 2 doses - first dose at age of 1 year or older. 2nd dose at least 3 months after .
Documentation of immunity by confirming laboratory test results is required for incoming kindergarten students if child has not received varicella vaccine.
Please use the day, month and year for ALL immunizations.
If there is other information that you wish to share with the school staff that is not included on the health history, please add it to the bottom of the health history forms.
Please remember all requirements must be completed before your child can enter school. Make any necessary appointments as soon as possible.
See attachments for the latest registration information.